Wednesday, February 23

Boring Kuwaiti Postcards

I found these postcards on the front desk at our gym in the Radisson. I guess it's for the National Day and liberation day. I must say how on earth is anyone going to know it's from Kuwait just by looking at it?? It's obvious to the Kuwaiti people, but someone else would have to read the tiny text on the back to realise that. Another thing is I've never heard of anyone sending a Kuwaiti Postcard, it's just something the people here don't do, they're either stuck in the virtual wold of texting, bbming, whatsapping, twittering or facebooking, that they'd never think of sending a postcard or letter by mail. And if they ever had to use the mail they would use it to order clothes and shoes from net-a-porter, or other online shops, and exclusive things they can't buy here and this would all be done by DHL, FedEx or any other courier.

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